Like any company, we impact the environment around us. Most of that impact comes from the products we sell in our stores and the energy we use. To reduce this impact, we are using energy more efficiently, switching to renewable power, and improving our products to decrease the use of scarce natural resources.

In recent years, we have reduced greenhouse gas emissions from our stores, offices and distribution centres in absolute terms, despite our growth. We have also taken steps to reduce the impact of our products.

Reducing our impact on the environment

In the illustration above, scopes 1 and 2 essentially relate to emissions from energy use in Action’s own operations. Scope 3 emissions are generated indirectly, either during production and transportation to Action (upstream) or by the use and disposal of our products (downstream). For more information on these definitions, please refer to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol.

As is common for retailers, only a small percentage of Action’s overall emissions comes directly from our own operations. Most emissions are an indirect result of the manufacturing, use and – ultimately – disposal of the products we sell.

Our greenhouse gas emissions

*67 stores use externally provided heating. It is unknown if they are connected to gas.

Action's own trucks in the Netherlands now use hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO 100) – a renewable diesel that can reduce emissions by up to 90% compared with conventional diesel. Switching to these trucks will reduce emissions from transport between our distribution centres and stores. Meanwhile, we are also piloting the use of fully electric trucks in the Netherlands and Germany.

We have increased energy efficiency by installing smart meters and LED lighting at our sites. In addition, we have installed solar panels at seven distribution centres, increasing our access to renewable energy and reducing our reliance on often congested electricity grids.

All* Action stores are now gas-free, and use renewable electricity instead. We also engage with landlords to increase renewable energy use where possible at our distribution centres. Around 90% of our electricity consumption now comes from clean, renewable sources.

Since 2021 – when we set our baseline – we have reduced emissions from our own operations by 51%. We have done this mainly by increasing energy efficiency and using more renewable electricity. In 2024, we also switched to renewable diesel (HVO 100) for our own trucks. All our new distribution centres will be gas-free and fitted with more efficient heat pumps.

Reducing emissions from our stores, offices and distribution centres

Our emissions targets

Ensure that the suppliers responsible for 80% of our emissions in 2021 set science-based emission targets by 2029 (scope 3)

Reference year: 2021

How will we achieve this target?

  • Direct engagement with our suppliers

Reduce combined scope 1 and 2 emissions by 75% by 2030

Reference year: 2021

How will we achieve this target?

  • Continuing our existing measures, including switching to HVO 100 for our own trucks

  • Increased energy efficiency across Action stores, offices and distribution centres

  • Switching to renewable electricity

We also commit to reducing emissions from the use of sold products containing fossil fuels by 59% by 2034, compared with our 2021 baseline. In 2024, these near-term science-based emissions reduction targets were submitted to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) for validation and were approved on 27 February 2025.

Our targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions


Increased greenhouse gas emission reduction target from our own operations

In 2025, we are raising our scope 1 and 2 emission reduction target from 60% to 75% by 2030, compared with our 2021 baseline. This covers emissions from our own operations and purchased energy.

We have made substantial progress in cutting our greenhouse gas emissions through initiatives such as the elimination of gas connections from our stores by the end of 2024, the transition to 90% renewable electricity across our sites, and the use of HVO 100 – a renewable diesel – for Action trucks operating from the Netherlands, alongside our ongoing electrification efforts.

Our most recent insights and calculations have confirmed that we are ahead of schedule in delivering our 60% absolute GHG emissions reduction target for scope 1 and 2 (own operations) – which was also part of our SBTi submission. We have therefore decided to set an even more ambitious goal: to increase our scope 1 and 2 reduction target to 75% from 60% by 2030, compared with our 2021 baseline. We plan to achieve this by ensuring all new distribution centres are gas-free and heated with heat pumps, along with additional energy-saving initiatives across our operations. The new target underlines our commitment to reduce the environmental impact of our operations as we continue to grow. We are on track to meet this target, even taking into account the planned increase in the number of Action stores and distribution centres in the coming years.

*The scope 3 figure for 2021 and the scope 2 figure for 2023 have been restated to reflect improvements in the calculation.

Electricity use (market-based)

Total (scope 1 and 2) 23,427

Transport from own vehicles

Refrigerant leakage

Scope 2

Scope 1

Natural gas

Emissions from our own operations (tonnes of CO2 equivalent, 2024)

Electricity (million kWh)



Energy consumption

Gas (million m3)







Scope 1 and 2 emissions

(tonnes CO2-equivalent)

Total (scope 3)



From the disposal of products after use

From the use of our products by customers after sale

From transport and distribution before products reach Action DCs and stores

From capital investments in building, equipment and machinery etc.

From goods and services bought by Action

Greenhouse gas emissions from products, transport and investments (tonnes of CO2 equivalent, 2024)

We are engaging directly with our suppliers and stepping up our recycling efforts and initiatives to reduce product and packaging waste. By 2029, we want the suppliers responsible for 80% of our emissions to adopt reduction targets in line with the Paris climate goals. We have also put agreements in place with sea freight carriers to use eco-fuels when shipping products from Asia. In 2024, these eco-fuels reduced emissions by nearly 42,495 tonnes of CO2 equivalent.

Reducing emissions from Action products

Our new distribution centre at Illescas in Spain has been certified Outstanding – the highest rating – under the internationally recognised Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM), which measures the sustainability performance of buildings across various categories. The site will be the blueprint in terms of environmental performance for our future distribution centres. Three other DCs – at Ensuès-la-Redonne in France, and Bieruń and Zakroczym in Poland – are rated BREEAM Excellent.

Making our distribution centres more sustainable

A variety of our products use natural resources, including timber, palm oil, cotton and cocoa. These resources may be in scarce supply, and their production may also cause environmental damage. In some cases, these industries have also been linked to human rights violations. That is why we are working with our suppliers to ensure we are mindful of the natural world – and the people working in our value chain.

Being mindful of natural resources

Our current sustainable sourcing policies cover cotton, timber, cocoa, and palm oil. They set out our minimum standards for environmental protection and labour rights that suppliers must abide by if they use these natural resources. We also use independent certifications from organisations such as the Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®), Better Cotton and Fairtrade, so we and our customers can be confident these minimum standards are met.

Responsible sourcing of natural resources

Click here for more details of our sustainable sourcing policies. These policies do not cover A-brands (well-known household brands that are available in Action stores alongside private and white-label products), as these brands are considered to be subject to rigorous standards by their producers.

Palm oil

All palm oil used as a primary ingredient in food & drink and candles is now certified as sustainable under the Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) or a similar organisation. Our aim is to extend this to personal care products by the end of 2025.


All cotton used in our products is now sustainably sourced under the Better Cotton programme, or it is organic or recycled.


All timber used in our products comes from sustainably managed forests, certified by the Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) or the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC).


All cocoa used in Action products is certified as sustainable by Fairtrade International, or by other recognised standards.

Action switches its pastry range to more sustainable palm oil

Gradually, Action is switching to more sustainable palm oil. All palm oil used as a primary ingredient in Action’s own food & drink products and candles is now RSPO-certified.

EU setting new rules to deter deforestation

The European Union’s new Regulation on Deforestation-Free Products (EUDR) comes into force at the end of 2025. At Action, we will comply with these rules and ensure our products remain deforestation-free. As part of this, we will be mapping our suppliers to identify at-risk products and taking action where necessary.

To manufacture our products, suppliers use natural and other resources. These include metals, textiles, glass, ceramics and plastics. After use, many of these resources could end up as waste. That is why we are increasing the use of recycled materials in our products, removing hard-to-recycle packaging, and even developing new, closed-loop products made from our own recycled plastic waste.

Recycling and re-use

We have made significant improvements, particularly in linen, stationary & hobby, and garden & outdoor products. Examples include our Comfibed duvets, now containing 100% recycled polyester filling; our Sologic charging cable, now made with more sustainable textile braiding; and our Van Bleiswijck paint tubes, made of 30% recycled content. To reduce waste, we are also working to make it easier to repair our electronic goods.

When we buy a product, we consider its circularity – i.e., how much recycled material it contains, for example, or whether the product itself is recyclable. The more recyclable our products, the less goes to waste. We are currently developing a Circular Buying Guide for our buying team, which we expect to finalise in 2025. We are also working closely with experts from Circle Economy and Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands to help build more circularity into product design. Under our responsible plastics policy, we aim to increase the share of recycled plastic in all non-food-related Action and direct import products to at least 35% by the end of 2025.

Using more recycled and recyclable materials in Action products

Promoting more circular products

Going plastic-free with Spargo household cleaning wipes

Microplastics can be found everywhere, including in oceans and the human food chain. Wherever possible, we are eliminating added microplastics and offering more plastic-free products.

Using more recycled plastic in Spilbergen suitcases

Action sells more than two million suitcases every year. One of our most popular brands is Spilbergen – and the latest Spilbergen models are now made with at least 50% recycled plastic.

We are working to reduce the amount of packaging we use, phasing out non-recyclable packaging, and replacing plastic packaging wherever possible with more sustainable materials such as wood, paper and cardboard. By the end of 2025, we want 100% of our primary packaging to be made from recyclable materials.

Reducing waste from our packaging

We have programmes in place to recycle waste across our stores, offices and distribution centres. Some of that waste is being upcycled to make closed-loop products. In 2024, we began producing new dustbins, baskets and garbage bags – all made from recycled plastic and discarded foil from our own stores and distribution centres.

Transforming our own plastic waste into new products

Supplying food banks to help those in need

In 2024, we launched our Food Donation Programme with Voedselbanken Nederland, which operates food banks across the Netherlands. Through our two DCs and 418 stores in the country, we redirected food to individuals and families in need. In the coming years, we aim to expand this programme as part of our broader commitment to reducing food waste.

Lighter packaging for Comfibed duvets

Reducing the weight and size of our packaging means more products can be transported to our stores in each truck. Switching to roll polybags for our range of Comfibed duvets has reduced the packaging weight by more than 65%.

Going back to pen and paper

Our Office Essentials ballpoint pens now come in a fully recyclable carton box featuring a window, which reduces packaging weight and improves recyclability.

Ending hard-to-recycle packaging in Max & More

Action's packaging experts worked closely with suppliers, including Max & More, to phase out traditional black plastic from its cosmetics packaging, replacing it with lighter, pastel colours.

Like any company, we impact the environment around us. Most of that impact comes from the products we sell in our stores and the energy we use. To reduce this impact, we are using energy more efficiently, switching to renewable power, and improving our products to decrease the use of scarce natural resources.

In recent years, we have reduced greenhouse gas emissions from our stores, offices and distribution centres in absolute terms, despite our growth. We have also taken steps to reduce the impact of our products.

Reducing our impact on the environment

In the illustration above, scopes 1 and 2 essentially relate to emissions from energy use in Action’s own operations. Scope 3 emissions are generated indirectly, either during production and transportation to Action (upstream) or by the use and disposal of our products (downstream). For more information on these definitions, please refer to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol.

As is common for retailers, only a small percentage of Action’s overall emissions comes directly from our own operations. Most emissions are an indirect result of the manufacturing, use and – ultimately – disposal of the products we sell.

Our greenhouse gas emissions

*67 stores use externally provided heating. It is unknown if they are connected to gas.

We have increased energy efficiency by installing smart meters and LED lighting at our sites. In addition, we have installed solar panels at seven distribution centres, increasing our access to renewable energy and reducing our reliance on often congested electricity grids.

All* Action stores are now gas-free, and use renewable electricity instead. We also engage with landlords to increase renewable energy use where possible at our distribution centres. Around 90% of our electricity consumption now comes from clean, renewable sources.

Action's own trucks in the Netherlands now use hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO 100) – a renewable diesel that can reduce emissions by up to 90% compared with conventional diesel. Switching to these trucks will reduce emissions from transport between our distribution centres and stores. Meanwhile, we are also piloting the use of fully electric trucks in the Netherlands and Germany.

Since 2021 – when we set our baseline – we have reduced emissions from our own operations by 51%. We have done this mainly by increasing energy efficiency and using more renewable electricity. In 2024, we also switched to renewable diesel (HVO 100) for our own trucks. All our new distribution centres will be gas-free and fitted with more efficient heat pumps.

Reducing emissions from our stores, offices and distribution centres

We also commit to reducing emissions from the use of sold products containing fossil fuels by 59% by 2034, compared with our 2021 baseline. In 2024, these near-term science-based emissions reduction targets were submitted to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) for validation and were approved on 27 February 2025.

Ensure that the suppliers responsible for 80% of our emissions in 2021 set science-based emission targets by 2029 (scope 3)

Reference year: 2021

How will we achieve this target?

  • Direct engagement with our suppliers

Reduce combined scope 1 and 2 emissions by 75% by 2030

Reference year: 2021

How will we achieve this target?

  • Continuing our existing measures, including switching to HVO 100 for our own trucks

  • Increased energy efficiency across Action stores, offices and distribution centres

  • Switching to renewable electricity

Our emissions targets

Our targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions


In 2025, we are raising our scope 1 and 2 emission reduction target from 60% to 75% by 2030, compared with our 2021 baseline. This covers emissions from our own operations and purchased energy.

We have made substantial progress in cutting our greenhouse gas emissions through initiatives such as the elimination of gas connections from our stores by the end of 2024, the transition to 90% renewable electricity across our sites, and the use of HVO 100 – a renewable diesel – for Action trucks operating from the Netherlands, alongside our ongoing electrification efforts.

Our most recent insights and calculations have confirmed that we are ahead of schedule in delivering our 60% absolute GHG emissions reduction target for scope 1 and 2 (own operations) – which was also part of our SBTi submission. We have therefore decided to set an even more ambitious goal: to increase our scope 1 and 2 reduction target to 75% from 60% by 2030, compared with our 2021 baseline. We plan to achieve this by ensuring all new distribution centres are gas-free and heated with heat pumps, along with additional energy-saving initiatives across our operations. The new target underlines our commitment to reduce the environmental impact of our operations as we continue to grow. We are on track to meet this target, even taking into account the planned increase in the number of Action stores and distribution centres in the coming years.

Increased greenhouse gas emission reduction target from our own operations

Electricity (million kWh)



Gas (million m3)



Energy consumption

*The scope 3 figure for 2021 and the scope 2 figure for 2023 have been restated to reflect improvements in the calculation.

Progress in scope 1 and 2

Electricity use (market-based)

Total (scope 1 and 2) 23,427

Transport from own vehicles

Refrigerant leakage

Scope 2

Scope 1

Natural gas





Scope 1 and 2 emissions

(tonnes CO2-equivalent)

Emissions from our own operations (tonnes of CO2 equivalent, 2024)


From the disposal of products after use

From the use of our products by customers after sale

From transport and distribution before products reach Action DCs and stores

From capital investments in building, equipment and machinery etc.

From goods and services bought by Action

Total (scope 3)


Greenhouse gas emissions from products, transport and investments (tonnes of CO2 equivalent, 2024)

We are engaging directly with our suppliers and stepping up our recycling efforts and initiatives to reduce product and packaging waste. By 2029, we want the suppliers responsible for 80% of our emissions to adopt reduction targets in line with the Paris climate goals. We have also put agreements in place with sea freight carriers to use eco-fuels when shipping products from Asia. In 2024, these eco-fuels reduced emissions by nearly 42,495 tonnes of CO2 equivalent.

Reducing emissions from Action products

Our new distribution centre at Illescas in Spain has been certified Outstanding – the highest rating – under the internationally recognised Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM), which measures the sustainability performance of buildings across various categories. The site will be the blueprint in terms of environmental performance for our future distribution centres. Three other DCs – at Ensuès-la-Redonne in France, and Bieruń and Zakroczym in Poland – are rated BREEAM Excellent.

Making our distribution centres more sustainable

A variety of our products use natural resources, including timber, palm oil, cotton and cocoa. These resources may be in scarce supply, and their production may also cause environmental damage. In some cases, these industries have also been linked to human rights violations. That is why we are working with our suppliers to ensure we are mindful of the natural world – and the people working in our value chain.

Being mindful of natural resources

Our current sustainable sourcing policies cover cotton, timber, cocoa, and palm oil. They set out our minimum standards for environmental protection and labour rights that suppliers must abide by if they use these natural resources. We also use independent certifications from organisations such as the Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®), Better Cotton and Fairtrade, so we and our customers can be confident these minimum standards are met.

Responsible sourcing of natural resources


All timber used in our products comes from sustainably managed forests, certified by the Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) or the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC).

Palm oil

All palm oil used as a primary ingredient in food & drink and candles is now certified as sustainable under the Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) or a similar organisation. Our aim is to extend this to personal care products by the end of 2025.


All cocoa used in Action products is certified as sustainable by Fairtrade International, or by other recognised standards.

Click here for more details of our sustainable sourcing policies. These policies do not cover A-brands (well-known household brands that are available in Action stores alongside private and white-label products), as these brands are considered to be subject to rigorous standards by their producers.


All cotton used in our products is now sustainably sourced under the Better Cotton programme, or it is organic or recycled.

Action switches its pastry range to more sustainable palm oil

Gradually, Action is switching to more sustainable palm oil. All palm oil used as a primary ingredient in Action’s own food & drink products and candles is now RSPO-certified.

EU setting new rules to deter deforestation

The European Union’s new Regulation on Deforestation-Free Products (EUDR) comes into force at the end of 2025. At Action, we will comply with these rules and ensure our products remain deforestation-free. As part of this, we will be mapping our suppliers to identify at-risk products and taking action where necessary.

To manufacture our products, suppliers use natural and other resources. These include metals, textiles, glass, ceramics and plastics. After use, many of these resources could end up as waste. That is why we are increasing the use of recycled materials in our products, removing hard-to-recycle packaging, and even developing new, closed-loop products made from our own recycled plastic waste.

Recycling and re-use

We have made significant improvements, particularly in linen, stationary & hobby, and garden & outdoor products. Examples include our Comfibed duvets, now containing 100% recycled polyester filling; our Sologic charging cable, now made with more sustainable textile braiding; and our Van Bleiswijck paint tubes, made of 30% recycled content. To reduce waste, we are also working to make it easier to repair our electronic goods.

Using more recycled and recyclable materials in Action products

When we buy a product, we consider its circularity – i.e., how much recycled material it contains, for example, or whether the product itself is recyclable. The more recyclable our products, the less goes to waste. We are currently developing a Circular Buying Guide for our buying team, which we expect to finalise in 2025. We are also working closely with experts from Circle Economy and Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands to help build more circularity into product design. Under our responsible plastics policy, we aim to increase the share of recycled plastic in all non-food-related Action and direct import products to at least 35% by the end of 2025.

Promoting more circular products

Using more recycled plastic in Spilbergen suitcases

Action sells more than two million suitcases every year. One of our most popular brands is Spilbergen – and the latest Spilbergen models are now made with at least 50% recycled plastic.

Going plastic-free with Spargo household cleaning wipes

Microplastics can be found everywhere, including in oceans and the human food chain. Wherever possible, we are eliminating added microplastics and offering more plastic-free products.

We have programmes in place to recycle waste across our stores, offices and distribution centres. Some of that waste is being upcycled to make closed-loop products. In 2024, we began producing new dustbins, baskets and garbage bags – all made from recycled plastic and discarded foil from our own stores and distribution centres.

Supplying food banks to help those in need

We are working to reduce the amount of packaging we use, phasing out non-recyclable packaging, and replacing plastic packaging wherever possible with more sustainable materials such as wood, paper and cardboard. By the end of 2025, we want 100% of our primary packaging to be made from recyclable materials.

Reducing waste from our packaging

In 2024, we launched our Food Donation Programme with Voedselbanken Nederland, which operates food banks across the Netherlands. Through our two DCs and 418 stores in the country, we redirected food to individuals and families in need. In the coming years, we aim to expand this programme as part of our broader commitment to reducing food waste.

Transforming our own plastic waste into new products

Lighter packaging for Comfibed duvets

Reducing the weight and size of our packaging means more products can be transported to our stores in each truck. Switching to roll polybags for our range of Comfibed duvets has reduced the packaging weight by more than 65%.

Going back to pen and paper

Our Office Essentials ballpoint pens now come in a fully recyclable carton box featuring a window, which reduces packaging weight and improves recyclability.

Ending hard-to-recycle packaging in Max & More

Action's packaging experts worked closely with suppliers, including Max & More, to phase out traditional black plastic from its cosmetics packaging, replacing it with lighter, pastel colours.