Action in 2023
The Action Story
Taking Action
Ethics & Governance
Hajir Hajji, Action’s CEO
"Our stores were again busier than ever in 2023. I cannot express how grateful I am to the colleagues who make Action possible."

The Action Update 2023 celebrates our successes in the previous year and sets out how we will continue to grow as a company.
Action Update 2023
This report sets out how Action contributes to the lives of its customers, employees, partners, investors, as well as society as a whole. It also describes Action’s approach to business and how we work to maintain high ethical standards throughout our business.
All information is based on Action’s 2023 Annual Report, our main disclosure document.
This report contains four main sections:
Action in 2023, which describes our business and our core values as a company
The Action Story, which explains how our business works and sets out our strategy for growth
Taking action, which explains how we work to increase our positive impact on stakeholders and society
Ethics and governance, which looks at our governance and decision-making
The report also includes an Appendix section, providing additional information on our approach to reporting.
In this report, we use ‘Action’ to refer to the Action group – this includes our holding companies*, as well as subsidiaries in Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia and Spain.
*Action Holding B.V., Peer Holding I B.V. and Peer Holding III B.V.

"Our stores were again busier than ever in 2023. I cannot express how grateful I am to the colleagues who make Action possible."
The Action Update 2023 celebrates our successes in the previous year and sets out how we will continue to grow as a company.
Hajir Hajji, Action’s CEO

All information is based on Action’s 2023 Annual Report, our main disclosure document.
This report contains four main sections:
Action in 2023, which describes our business and our core values as a company
The Action Story, which explains how our business works and sets out our strategy for growth
Taking action, which explains how we work to increase our positive impact on stakeholders and society
Ethics and governance, which looks at our governance and decision-making
The report also includes an Appendix section, providing additional information on our approach to reporting.
In this report, we use ‘Action’ to refer to the Action group – this includes our holding companies*, as well as subsidiaries in Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia and Spain.
*Action Holding B.V., Peer Holding I B.V. and Peer Holding III B.V.
This report sets out how Action contributes to the lives of its customers, employees, partners, investors, as well as society as a whole. It also describes Action’s approach to business and how we work to maintain high ethical standards throughout our business.
Action Update 2023