The Johan Cruyff Foundation & 

SOS Children’s Villages 

In February 2022, Action entered into a three-year partnership with the Johan Cruyff Foundation. The partnership enables us to assist the Johan Cruyff Foundation in its activities to help children around the world to enjoy sports and play. We plan to partner and co-invest in several new ‘Cruyff courts’, which benefit the local neighbourhoods and communities through improved quality of life. 

As a pilot in this collaboration, Action involved 14 Store Managers, who took a training course at the Johan Cruyff Institute to become Action hero coaches. They organised sporting events in different locations in the Netherlands. Together with Johan Cruyff Foundation they supported local children with sports activities, improving their health and well-being. 

To make an important impact in the countries where we source our products and operate, we partner with the global charity SOS Children’s Villages. They work to keep families together, to provide alternative care when needed, to support young people on their path to independence and to advocate for the rights of children. Since 2018, we have sponsored a child or village in Asia for every one of our stores and DCs. To increase local involvement, we also donate to local programmes in the European countries where we have an office. As our store network grows, so does the number of villages we support.  

Sari Simons, Store Manager Knokke in Belgium (second from left in photo) 

An experience to remember

The impact of SOS Children's Villages

Together with SOS Children's Villages, fourteen Action employees visited Indonesia in October 2022 to see for themselves what SOS Children's Villages does and what Action contributes to. All Action employees received a chocolate bar due to the celebration of the 2000th store opening. Fourteen of them contained a golden ticket to win this trip. Sari Simons, Store Manager Knokke (Belgium) was one of the golden ticket winners. 

Our donation of €25 per month per child contributes to covering the daily costs of these children and to their villages - this includes food, education, medical care and sports and play. Every store receives a box with information about their sponsor child and an address to correspond to. A lot of our colleagues love to be actively involved in this project and keep in touch with their sponsor child. In 2022, Action sponsored 1,999 SOS Children in Asia, Poland and Czech Republic.


This year we opened our 2000th store and to celebrate the occasion with SOS Children’s Villages, our CEO Hajir Hajji handed a cheque of €100,000 to Arian Buurman, CEO of SOS Children's Villages. The money was raised through the sale of big shoppers specially designed for reaching this milestone.  


Every country office donates €10,000 to SOS Children’s Villages projects in their country. Together with the local SOS initiatives, our total donation in 2022 amounted to € 689,700, benefiting a total of more than 12,500 children.

Furthermore, we will keep contributing to society and improving children’s welfare through our Hero trainings and support to the Johan Cruyff Foundation and SOS Children’s Villages. With every store we open, we take on another sponsor child and this way, we do not grow alone, but together with the people we support.  

Looking forward

In 2023, Action will take the next steps in enhancing transparency about our tax procedures and chart whether it is feasible to commit to the VNO-NCW Tax Governance Code.

The Johan Cruyff Foundation & 

SOS Children’s Villages 

In February 2022, Action entered into a three-year partnership with the Johan Cruyff Foundation. The partnership enables us to assist the Johan Cruyff Foundation in its activities to help children around the world to enjoy sports and play. We plan to partner and co-invest in several new ‘Cruyff courts’, which benefit the local neighbourhoods and communities through improved quality of life. 

As a pilot in this collaboration, Action involved 14 Store Managers, who took a training course at the Johan Cruyff Institute to become Action hero coaches. They organised sporting events in different locations in the Netherlands. Together with Johan Cruyff Foundation they supported local children with sports activities, improving their health and well-being. 

To make an important impact in the countries where we source our products and operate, we partner with the global charity SOS Children’s Villages. They work to keep families together, to provide alternative care when needed, to support young people on their path to independence and to advocate for the rights of children. Since 2018, we have sponsored a child or village in Asia for every one of our stores and DCs. To increase local involvement, we also donate to local programmes in the European countries where we have an office. As our store network grows, so does the number of villages we support.  

The impact of SOS Children's Villages

An experience to remember

Sari Simons, Store Manager Knokke in Belgium (second from left in photo) 

Together with SOS Children's Villages, fourteen Action employees visited Indonesia in October 2022 to see for themselves what SOS Children's Villages does and what Action contributes to. All Action employees received a chocolate bar due to the celebration of the 2000th store opening. Fourteen of them contained a golden ticket to win this trip. Sari Simons, Store Manager Knokke (Belgium) was one of the golden ticket winners. 

Our donation of €25 per month per child contributes to covering the daily costs of these children and to their villages - this includes food, education, medical care and sports and play. Every store receives a box with information about their sponsor child and an address to correspond to. A lot of our colleagues love to be actively involved in this project and keep in touch with their sponsor child. In 2022, Action sponsored 1,999 SOS Children in Asia, Poland and Czech Republic.


This year we opened our 2000th store and to celebrate the occasion with SOS Children’s Villages, our CEO Hajir Hajji handed a cheque of €100,000 to Arian Buurman, CEO of SOS Children's Villages. The money was raised through the sale of big shoppers specially designed for reaching this milestone.  


Every country office donates €10,000 to SOS Children’s Villages projects in their country. Together with the local SOS initiatives, our total donation in 2022 amounted to € 689,700, benefiting a total of more than 12,500 children.

Furthermore, we will keep contributing to society and improving children’s welfare through our Hero trainings and support to the Johan Cruyff Foundation and SOS Children’s Villages. With every store we open, we take on another sponsor child and this way, we do not grow alone, but together with the people we support.  

Looking forward

In 2023, Action will take the next steps in enhancing transparency about our tax procedures and chart whether it is feasible to commit to the VNO-NCW Tax Governance Code.